Sexuality Law Reform

To the Editor (The West Australian)

It is heartening to see such vigorous debate on sexuality issues. It is disheartening, however, to see so much misinformation.

Debate about age of consent is secondary to the real issue, that being whether all our citizens should be treated equally. Raise the age of consent to 21 for all, or lower it to 16 for all.

Equality cannot be compromised.

If I lay dying in a hospital my gay partner does not have a right to be by my side. I do not have the right to name him as beneficiary to my superannuation and if I die intestate he is not acknowledged under probate law.

However, discrimination works both ways. A WA business can legitimately refuse employment to straight people and a property owner could refuse tenancy to heterosexuals.

A member of a same-sex couple can legitimately claim welfare benefits whilst their partner is employed while straight couples are not entitled to that privilege.

Oh, there is another benefit to being gay. I know what unconditional love really means ... the rest of society takes it for granted!