Battle of the sexes

Whilst trying to support gender equity, Tracy (who I appreciate dearly and consider a friend and confidante) has fallen into the trap of using stereotypes and perpetuating the myth that men and women are so different that they can never appreciate the value of each other.

It reminds me of the many times that I've had women complaining to me about men ... and then adding the disclaimer "oh, but not you, you're gay!" as if my sexuality somehow made me immune to the fallibility of maleness and put me on the same level (or at least a closer level) to the infallible femaleness.

I support equality, equity, justice and fairness for all and I share the values of humanity in aspiring to reach those goals. I don't believe that women (and especially 'womyn') have a monopoly on the "right way". Complaining about negative "male values" whilst praising positive "female values" does nothing to promote goodwill between the genders.

We've all dealt with this 'logic' many times before ... "refugees are queue jumpers", "Muslims are terrorists", "Abos are welfare bludgers", "queers are paedophiles", "If you have AIDS then you must be queer or a drug addict".

Imagine if I were to protest about the "money-hungry values of the Jewish people", or complain of the "Islamic taste for murder through suicide bombers"! Vilification doesn't have to be overt to be wrong.

Please don't perpetuate the gender-war by using stereotypes and unfair generalisations.

Humanist first, feminist second.

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