I was thinking about the glass half-full or half-empty paradigm. It occurred to me that perhaps it doesn't matter whether one sees it as half-full or half-empty. The key is in the choice we make in dealing with that situation.
Some people will feel the need to conserve and protect the status quo to minimise further loss. i.e. this is the glass we have, its our glass and regardless of whether the liquid is no longer at optimum temperature, has lost its fizz, gone stale or otherwise tastes awful it is still half a glass and its our glass!
I'm inclined to realise the limitations of a half-full (or half-empty) glass and take action to replenish the glass - i.e. change must occur by topping up the current glass or getting a new full glass to replace it - perhaps even a bigger glass, or one that is better designed for our purpose.
I have a favourite saying that I live by - "Change will only occur when the pain of change is less than than the pain of staying the same."
That is my philosophy lesson for today.
Cheers! *hic*
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