I had an interesting day yesterday (Thursday).
Really ... I did!! ;-)
It started off with an SMS alerting me that my letter to the West had been
published (re Kirby & Heffernan). I hardly needed that warning, as a few
minutes later the telephone rang, Richard answered and then said it was for
I'm not usually my most alert at 8am in the morning so it took a few seconds
for the "Is this the Collin Mullane that had a letter published in today's
West" to fully process so I just kind of blurted out "I think so". But it
took only a few nano seconds to be at full alert when the voice replied
"This is Bill Heffernan."
I didn't know whether I was going to be verbally abused or just dragged into
an argument I didn't want to have at that time of the morning. I was
pleasantly relieved when it turned out to be neither.
Bill congratulated me on the letter and, without revealing the content of
what will remain a private conversation, I now have first hand knowledge of
a man that has come a long way in earning my respect.
It has been a valuable lesson for me about judging a person by a singular
action. There is more to Bill Heffernan than meets the eye, and I don't
doubt that he will prove his worth to this community in future years.
If the old adage that "the enemy of my enemy is my ally" is true, we may
just find this Senator supporting the GLBT cause some time in the future. I
hope so.
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