Galloway sticks it to the US Senate

I continue to admire the British for one enviable characteristic that sets them apart from any other nation - the ability to be so damn polite when insulting someone. :-)

And there is no better example of this than George Galloway's recent statement to the US Senators in answer to allegations that he was involved in the Iraqi oil-for-food bribes.

His statement can be found here or watch it online via the Information Clearing House.

Galloway, an former Labor MP (now an Independant) and outspoken critic of the illegal war, is standing up against the hypocritical and arrogant USA, who, it seems, is having a hard time trying to pin this scandal on anyone and everyone who opposed their invasion of Iraq.

Galloway is clearly a man of conviction and honour, and I support him and his continuing campaign for justice in Iraq. There can be no justice until all USA forces are removed from its borders and Washington relinquishes its control of all Iraqi resources.

As Martin Luther King rightly extolled, "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice."

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