Red Cross Discriminates

Finally someone has taken the courage to stand up for one of my own deepest peeves ... the blatant discrimination employed by the nation's blood banks against sexually active (that's active, not promiscuous) gay men!

In an article titled Challenge on gay blood-donor ban The Australian reveals that a Tasmanian man is taking legal action against the Red Cross. While the article is short on detail it is heartening for me that someone is finally making a stand.

During my time with Gay and Lesbian Equality WA (GALE) I raised this issue a handful of times but failed to rally any support for a political campaign. I even encountered several gay men daring to defend the policy!

If you want more detail on this issue check out the media release by the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group. There are additional links on that site with further reading about the blood ban and today's development.

Here is an unpublished letter I wrote to The West Australian in August 2003 after a report about a shortage at the local blood bank:

The shortage of blood comes as no surprise when archaic legislation and regulations prevent healthy potential donors from making such a gift.

Sexually active gay or bisexual men are barred from making a blood donation. It is irrelevant whether the man has been in a monogamous relationship for the last 20 years, has always practiced safer sex and is otherwise not in a high risk category.

On the other hand, a heterosexual man that frequently has several different sexual partners each week, partakes in orgies and never uses condoms is welcomed by the Red Cross with open arms. Outrageous!

I know which one is the greater risk to clean blood supply! I don't even have to emphasise the rigorous testing procedures that are used to detect and remove unsuitable blood product before it even gets approved for use.

This blatant discrimination against gay and bisexual men is based upon the unfounded fear that such people automatically carry HIV. It should be remembered that unsafe practices such as sharing needles and unprotected sex are the major cause of the spread of HIV, not the sexuality of a particular person.

Fortunately there are many caring, community-minded, healthy gay and bisexual men that choose to lie on the Red Cross forms when they regularly donate blood. Not that I am condoning this illegal act, but if they didn't care so much as to risk being charged, our national blood stocks would be at disastrous levels.

Some rules just don't follow logic. It is time for Government to pick up its act and start discriminating against the virus instead of the people!

All the best of luck to Michael Cain and the Tasmanian community. At the very least I hope you can rasie awareness of this important issue.

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