Further to my recent focus on Fred Phelps, the NSW Liberal Party and other Christian terrorists, I now draw your attention to the formation of Australia's first Islamic political party, The Best Party of Allah in Australia.
According to The Australian the party founder, Kurt Kennedy, believes that "all Australians should be living under Islamic law dictated by the Koran" and that we have nothing to fear because "The positive part of sharia law is (about) treating everybody fairly".
All well and good ... IF equality is the foundation stone. Unfortunately it may not be that simple - nor is it right and just!
Despite the spin, Islamic values are NOT exactly the same as those of any other religion, though they are more similar to Jewish or Christian beliefs than either of those religions would care to admit. As such, it is incomprehensible that a nation, especially Australia, should have to base its laws upon any one religion, even Christianity.
Islam, like any other religion (including Christianity) or political ideology, is subject to interpretation as well as the external forces that are invoked when trying to apply theory to a practical world. Communism is a great theory (true equality), but in practice it is unworkable and unjust. Capitalism is equally problematic.
Orwell's masterpiece, Animal Farm, suitably depicts how the forces of power, greed, discrimination and social politicisation of a community evolves from a genuine intent to provide equality, be it from a progressive or conservative perspective.
Evolutionary theory (the survival of the fittest) dictates that it is against our nature to believe anything other than that "some are more equal than others". If we add to these murky waters the widespread indoctrination that must naturally follow any implementation of a state-endorsed religion, then we will encounter a firestorm of fear and bigotry not unlike that seen in Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa, and the Crusades era in the Middle East.
Religion and politics are a chaotic mix, just as the suppression of religion in particular nations also breeds unnecessary suffering and malcontent. The separation of state and church is not only a cornerstone of democracy, it is the most fundamental of all human rights - the right to exist as an individual, with thoughts, actions and values of one's own choosing.
I don't deny the right of Kennedy and his supporters to establish an Islamic-based political party, and I have said as much previously on this blog here and here, but I cannot support the intent to establish any form of theocracy, whether it be Christian, Moslem or otherwise. I will also be the first one to stand up to oppose the possible election of any representative from such a group.
The Theocracy Alert - Early warning System is suitably on Orange status, the second highest rating.
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