polemicol OH: ATO staff warning tourists "you can't take a photograph - its a government building" #ohperth #lie 10:20 AM Apr 8th
In reply to a Direct Message (DM) querying if it was a security guard:
polemicol no - a mere staff member as she was leaving the building. watch out for the memo that will be sent to all staff, after I get finished ;-) 10:39 AM Apr 8th
I had walked into the ATO and complained to the security guard about the incident, but he was laissez faire about the whole thing, wouldn't give me the name of anyone to speak with, but told me to call in tomorrow (Wednesday).
polemicol lots to do - banking, bills, holiday planning, ruffling the feathers of security and building management at the ATO - all in a day's work! 10:52 AM Apr 8th
polemicol @bel no - just a citizen protecting our civil liberties, ensuring that ATO staff know its perfectly legal to photograph government buildings 10:57 AM Apr 8th in reply to Bel
polemicol @bel no chance that photos are illegal - this is Australia, not the USA (yet!) ;-) about 19 hours ago in reply to Bel
I did call back Wednesday afternoon, but unfortunately missed the relevant person.Finally, I met with Property Operations Manager this morning and discussed the issues of law versus ATO policy, as well as civil liberties versus employee security.
polemicol I had a micro win for civil liberties today - ATO will advise staff that it's legal to photograph from outside the building ;-) about 1 hour ago
polemicol @perthtones but they still reserve the right to challenge anyone taking photographs and subsequently report them to authorities. *sigh* 33 minutes ago in reply to perthtones
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