
I am angry because the world is angry.
This incredible, life-giving place is dying.
The human virus invades it;
tears at it, breaks and destroys it.
Humanity is insane.

I am sad because humanity is sad.
This remarkable, intelligent species is hurting.
The disease of selfishness infects it;
too many, too poor, too ill.
Humanity is inhumane.

I am worried because my nation is worried
This prosperous, free democracy is stalling.
The politics of nationalism drives it;
god, Queen, flag and country.
Humanity is a bane.

I am ashamed because my peoples are ashamed.
This beautiful, rich diversity is fading.
The rise of monoculture derides it;
assimilate, integrate, fit in.
Humanity is the same.

I am fearful because my family is fearful.
This safe, free space is disappearing.
The threat of hate pervades it;
taunts, bullies and bashes it.
Humanity is a crime.

I am unhappy because I am unhappy.
This amazing, promising person is breaking.
The wind of doubt erodes it,
whips, cuts and thrashes it.
Humanity is to blame.

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