Family First and Democrats deal

As someone with questionable journalistic ability (otherwise said person would be able to apply what is commonly known as research) has objected to my condemnation of the Democrats snuggling into bed with the devil incarnate, I merely offer the test of time (a mere three weeks or so) to see whether we will regret such a deal when Family First end up winning seats because of the preference flows from the Democrats!

Anyone willing to bet against me? I certainly hope to be proved wrong.

I'm not fond of the idea of Brian or any political ally of human rights losing their seat, but if the worst is to happen, I'd prefer to have a Green, the ALP or even a bloody Liberal taking their place rather than a heterosexist, bible-wielding social terrorist, a la Family First!

Simply because the Democrats are GLBTIQ friendly does not give them automatic immunity over criticism of deals that will have a major effect on the future of human rights and social justice in Australia.

I clearly remember how one ALP member (and member of this community) took to abusing the Democrats (unfairly directed at me as a member of that party at the time) because of the deal that gave preferences to the Greens ahead of the ALP in the East Metropolitan Region, making it a very tight contest for Louise Pratt.

If anyone thinks that we should support candidates simply because of their sexuality they would be as guilty of discrimination as any heterosexist conservative. Policies matter, not personalities.

The ALP has slapped us in the face over marriage and the Democrats toyed with the fate of same-sex superannuation for political expediency before the protests from our community prevented them succumbing. This time, the backroom deals are done and our protests will now only be heard at the ballot box. The Greens may be our only hope of a party committed to its principles.

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