Family First-Australian Democrats deal

The Dems have done a preference deal with the right-wing, so called "Christian" Family First party in South Australia and perhaps elsewhere.

This party is extremely heterosexist and anti-GLBTIQ in every shape and form. They are the political arm of the Assemblies of God church and are set to become a powerful force in Australian politics ... far more than One Nation ever were.

They follow the same evangelical approach as New Zealand's Destiny Church and affiliated Destiny Party, famed for its recent black shirt rallies of hate. They are as bad, if not worse than Fred Nile and the Christian Democratic Party and as hateful as the USA's Fred Phelps!

The Democrats should be despised for this backward step, clearly a last ditch attempt to save themselves from oblivion. In my opinion they no longer deserve the votes of the GLBTIQ community in Australia.

ex-democrat and now very glad of it!
my vote now goes to the Greens - the only party we can trust to uphold its principles

from the Greens:

Senator Brown also expressed concern and alarm that the Democrats have agreed on an exchange of preferences with the far-right Family First Party.

The Family First Party is an extremist, fundamentalist-Christian party that strongly opposes same sex marriage and abortion rights and challenges the separation of church and state.

"This bizarre Democrat preference allocation means that South Australia, in particular, is now a tussle between the Greens and Family First for the Senate," Senator Brown said.

"The Democrats have created a situation where Family First are now in serious consideration for a Senate seat."

From The Democrats

"On the same day the Greens and Labor do a deal to try and remove the only indigenous member of Federal Parliament in NSW, in South Australia they attack us for preferencing an Indigenous woman from a party that has done far more than the SA Green MP on issues like child abuse. The Greens hypocrisy is breathtaking.

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