My latest analysis of the Senate:
SA 3 LIB, 2 ALP ... final seat likely to be ALP, but may go to Family First (touch and go)
WA 3 LIB, 2 ALP, 1 GRN ... but it came frighteningly close to the CDP (fortunately the Dems preferenced the Greens ahead of CDP)
TAS 3 LIB, 2 ALP, The last spot is going to be a tussle. It will come down to whether FF can get a flow of preferences ahead of the Lib's remainder. If they do it will be a fight between them and the Greens (FF marginally ahead). If FF are eliminated before the Libs then preferences will flow to Shane Murphy and he will likely get ahead of the Greens. So either way I'm guessing FF or Murphy. The main issue is that the ALP have preferenced both FF and Murphy ahead of the Greens.
QLD 3 LIB, 2 ALP, 1 GRN although it could just as easily go to Family First or One Nation. Very dicey.
NT & ACT are both 1 each, naturally.
As for VIC & NSW ... it's late, I'm tired, I'm calling it a night. Too much misery for one day.
Austrailia: Collective Sigh of Relief
ReplyDeleteJohn Howard is victorious. (h/t: Instapundit) Well, my friends, this means that we still have our Austrailian ally, stalwart friends they have been for 100 years. Thanks, mates. We owe ye.
TigerHawk has more , as does PolliPundit and the ever-prescient Belmont Club. Command Post reports that Howard now has a larger majority. My comrade-in-blogging Blogs for Bush has complete coverage. Power Line has a direct reader report from Down Under.
Yes ... George Bush has won the Australian election. I'm guessing that the application form for incorporation into the US federation is on its way to Howard and will be completed in due course.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime I'm looking to move to Canada. Its a great place, and close enough to the USA so that I can throw eggs over the fence.