World Wants Kerry to Beat Bush!

Well, that was the headline from the Sydney Morning Herald, but I'd hardly call 10 countries being definitive of the world. Then again, the USA thinks the world consists of itself and a handful of annoying little countries.

Similar (they say identical and then contradict themselves) polling was conducted among 10 nations in mid-late September to gauge public opinion toward the upcoming USA election.

Regarding the opinion toward the USA, only Israel went against the trend of negativity with 40% of respondents having an improved attitude towards the USA compared to 28% who had a worse opinion. Other results were Canada, 64% had a worse attitude compared with 70% of the French, 45% of Brits, Japan 74%, South Korea 67% and Australia 54%. The SMH failed to report the result from Russia, Spain and Mexico.

Other results from the survey indicated strong support for Kerry; that the USA had too much influence on international affairs; and a consistent opposition to the War in Iraq.

The full report is copied below.

World wants Kerry to beat Bush

By Michael Millett, October 15, 2004 - 9:35AM

The US President, George Bush, is encountering growing international hostility to his campaign for a second term in the White House.

A remarkable collaborative polling exercise, undertaken by leading newspapers in 10 countries across the globe, has highlighted strong opposition to the Bush re-election campaign.

While the findings have no direct impact on the US election - the poll excludes the Americans whose vote really counts - they show the Bush Administration is struggling to secure popular support for its policies outside American borders.

The hostility is directed not only at the White House: the image of the US itself appears to have suffered collateral damage. This is despite the fact that most of those polled believe in the US alliance and declare they are not anti-American.

The ambitious exercise, initiated by Canada's Quebec-based La Presse, required the 10 project partners to run identical polls in mid- to late September to gauge public attitudes towards the US election on November 2.

The Herald, which commissioned its regular pollster ACNielsen for the exercise, is the first paper to appear with the results in print under Friday's co-ordinated publication date.

Across most of the countries surveyed, including Australia, opinions towards the US had deteriorated over the first Bush term.

Only Israel, lockstep with the US in terms of foreign policy objectives and delivery, ran against the trend. Forty per cent of Israelis surveyed said their attitude towards the US had improved over the past two or three years. Twenty-six per cent said their view had soured.

This contrasts with the response elsewhere. In Canada, 64 per cent said their attitude had worsened, France 70 per cent, Britain 45 per cent, Japan 74 per cent, South Korea 67 per cent and Australia 54 per cent.

The souring view is directly linked to public dissatisfaction with Mr Bush, mainly over his prosecution of the Iraq war.

In all countries except for Israel, majority opinion remains firmly against the US-led war. (No specific question on Iraq was asked in the Australian exercise.) In July, a majority of Australians (55 per cent) said the war was not justified, down eight points since May.

The strongest opposition to the war was in South Korea, Mexico, Spain and France.

This anti-war mood appears to feed directly into an international preference for John Kerry, the Democrat challenging Mr Bush for the presidency.

In eight of the 10 countries taking part in the poll, Senator Kerry is rated the preferred winner, with huge margins in France, Canada and Spain. Only in Russia (52-48) and Israel (a more decisive 50-24) is Mr Bush the preferred winner.

Senator Kerry benefits from being a relative unknown. In Australia, respondents were less likely to express an opinion about him (a 37 per cent "don't know" response compared to only 4 per cent for Mr Bush) but there were more people with a favourable rather than unfavourable opinion of him.

If Mr Bush was re-elected, 40 per cent of Australians surveyed believed the international state of affairs would worsen. Eleven per cent believed it would improve and 45 per cent believed it would stay the same.

While the appeal of the US has faded of late, Australians remain strongly committed to the relationship. Seventy-two per cent had a favourable opinion of Americans; 22 per cent had the opposite view.

Almost three in every four believed it was important that the US play a leadership role in the world and 92 per cent said it was important Australia maintain good relations with the US.

Four of the project countries asked whether the US had too much influence on international affairs. The results were emphatic: 86 per cent of Canadians, 73 per cent of Britons, 66 per cent of Mexicans and 87 per cent of South Koreans answered yes.

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