Uninformed, uninterested or ignorant?

I spoke with my father on the telephone last night and cautiously asked him how he voted. In my family politics (for me at least) is an act of tightrope-walking on a razor wire above a pit of flaming lava with a swarm of bees attacking my head!

His reply made me sad and I feel a failure for not providing a better education for my parents!

It wasn't the fact that he voted for the Libs in the lower house ... my parents are typical swinging voters and I'd never chastise them for actually having an opinion, even if it does stand against my own values and everything I have worked hard to support.

No, what made me despondent was the reason he gave for voting above the line in the Senate.

He said he was concerned about the Libs having control of both houses of parliament, so he voted for "the opposition ... I can't think of his name ... you know, the Nationals guy".


How many other voters must think the same way? There's a real need for voter education. Unfortunately most of them aren't interested enough to care.

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  1. [This Comment was moved here so it could be connected to its relevant post - samwise]At 20:26, robert d said...

    Sad for your father, not. I am sad for you. Regardless of your education and exposurer and whatever, your father, in his heart, will always do what he things best for his family. When you are a man you will be as such.

    Snapping out,


  2. What non-Aussies, like robert d, would not realise is the irony of voting for the nationals, who are a coalition partner of the liberals, not the opposition!

    As I've said ... I'm not upset over where his vote went ... just concerned at the mistaken reason for sending it there.
