Governor-General, Michael Jeffrey, has just flung himself into the fires of conservative social engineering policy. He is quickly heading down the same dangerous road as his predecessor, Peter Hollingworth. Good! I'll be happy to call for his termination!
In an interview with The Sunday Age, Jeffrey sides with coalition MP's calling for a reduction in abortions. He also questions the rate of relationship breakdowns and the presence of single parent families.
"I think all of us recognise that the rate of relationship breakdown is horrific. We've got a million kids now living with a single parent, mostly women, and most of them through no fault of their own are probably doing it very hard," he said.
The man is clearly blind to the evolution of society. Why is it so terrible that there are single parent families? Why does he perpetuate the myth that children of broken relationships are at some terrible risk or have a lesser existence? Children are much better off in a loving environment than in a falsehood of a marriage sham.
It seems that Jeffrey might prefer to see women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, subserviant and dutiful to the husband, rather than see them making choices about their own health and wellbeing, their own life, that could include being single.
Equally irritating is his opinion that boys needs a male role model to be taught "what it means to be a man". What sexist and heteronormative garbage!
Jeffrey's unspoken view of what it means to be a man surely is that of a gun-toting testosterone-motivated barbarian, rather than a peace-loving, diversity-respecting free-thinker. He, like John Laws' in his recent attack on homosexuals, seeks to perpetuate society's historical stereotypes of what it means to be male and female and believes that clear boundaries apply between the sexes and sexuality. News for the GG (and Laws) - those boundaries are a myth.
The guy is a complete tosser.
Sir William Deane, on the other hand, was one of the finest GGs in Australia's history. He redefined the position as the people's representative rather than the foreign Queen's rep. His successors have turned the whole thing arse-about and redefined it as the Prime-Minister's lacky.
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