It is infuriating to read articles and blogs and rantings from ignorant and ill-informed people. It is exponentially so, when the topic is so close to your own life that it becomes hard to not to take it personally.
Georg at Psephite has found such a moment and she is taking it personally. I'm with her side by side all the way when she exclaims "Enough is enough"!.
The reason? A post from Rose at Two Cents suggesting that it is "Not okay to be gay". Although Ms Rose does concede that
"homosexuals and lesbians ought not to be chastised for the way they are born"
she states without valid argument that
"while society must be 'accepting' of homosexuality, it ought not to be encouraging".
Rose then goes on the rampage over gay marriage, a certain Playschool episode, and ill effects of children with gay parents. Her unresearched and unsubstantiated conclusion is that
"teaching children that having parents of the same sex is okay will create an environment of unnecessary sexual confusion, and will represent a step in the wrong direction for Australian society".
The only evidence provided for her moral stand are two photographs - a picture of "Frank N Furter" (Rocky Horror Picture Show) and some kids in a schoolroom. Clearly Rose has some personal issues to deal with.
Fortunately Georg has filed a nice rebuttal that also "outs" her to the blogosphere as a lesbian mother and details the family relationship of her child's father and his same-sex partner.
And backing her up are many bloggers making their feelings known in the comments. It is noted that several comments have been deleted and no explanation given. The rant and the accompanying rebuttals are well worth a read. And be sure to leave a pleasant note for Rose and the crew at Two Cents just to let them know what you think about ignorant homophobes and heterosexist bloggers :-)
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