IF ...


"IF you could ensure that your children never have one experience that you have had, what would it be?"

I never want my Sophie to ever, even for a split second, think that she isn't loved.

There is nothing worse than that moment in time when you feel there is no-one you can talk to, who is willing to listen and cares enough to just hold you without actually having to say anything in particular.

I hope she never doubts the unconditional love her family will always provide.

Happy Birthday Richard!

My Rock

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My Rock

The tuft of brown, grassy hair

caressed by the wind as it catches the sun’s golden hue

seems to radiate like sparks from atop the mountain peak

A stark cliff falls away silently in front

finely polished by the elements, erasing any evidence of time

the rock is still young but daringly announces its presence

Peaceful, inviting caverns

set deep beneath the rim of the precipice

wise eyes keeping watch, reflecting an inner tranquillity

The contoured pink granite face,

moulded like clay in the hands of a gifted sculptor from another aeon,

bereft of unnecessary action, there are no sudden, unforseen tremors

A sturdy, reliable rock

Neither treacherous nor unyielding, he invites and willingly succumbs

appreciated by all who bear witness and by those who welcome his embrace

My rock, steadfast and true

A towering mountain of strength, sheltering me with a calm presence

The flawless reality of perfect love and constant companionship

Happy birthday to my darling Richard!

18 February 2003


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Dare to think and to challenge,

experience, question, and admire,

take wonder; be amazed; stand in awe,

believe and hope and dream.

Just dare to do it when others can't be bothered or have given up and just know that every individual has the power to move mountains.

Apathy, hopelessness and fear create a slow and painful death.

While passion, hope and courage create a fast and fulfilled life.

Written 18 February 2003

Support and Caution

As we come to terms with the horrific acts of violence around the globe I want to share with all citizens of our small Earth the following words of support and caution, written shortly after 11 September 2001:

Empathise with the unspeakable pain and loss,
but refrain from words and acts of bigoted anger
Acknowledge the need for swift and certain justice,
but quell the voice of revenge and retribution
Honour the victims and provide solace to those they loved,
but protect all people from wrongful blame or premature judgement
And above all, no matter what the future holds,
gain strength from hope (or faith) and let peace prevail.



"The Lesbian mother's groups I've attempted to contact in the past have been ..er.. shall we say less than welcoming to someone who doesn't hate her husband."

Aaahh .... misandry - A rare condition, caused by an unidentified irritant, believed to be responsible for the rise of feminist separatists. Reported cases have been decreasing since the epidemic of the 1970s, although pockets of infection can still be seen amongst the queer community.

A similar condition, mysogyny, has been more widely reported throughout history, having once existed in significant numbers of the male population. Recent infections have tended to be limited to religious groups, especially in developing or under-developed nations, however isolated cases are often discovered among the queer community.

Symptoms of both infections are generally referred to as sexism or genderism, but can present themselves as heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and other conditions.

Dr Collin ;-)

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The Wrong Leader

Letter sent to the Australian & West Australian newspapers:

Under the national constitution there is only one Australian capable of sending our country into war. As yet we have not heard from him on the deepening crisis with Iraq.

We have only heard from Prime Minister John Howard, a hawkish lap dog of the USA. His deference to public will and international law is blatant and arrogant, yet he does not have the authority to send our troops to battle.

Our Commander in Chief is Governor General Peter Hollingsworth. He is also the only person with the authority to act on the will of the people and prevent Australia becoming embroiled in a war we do not want, cannot justify and from which we will not benefit.

Unfortunately the GG appears as a bumbling fool trying to keep his head down in times of trouble. He will never adequately compare with the grace, astuteness and empathy of his predecessor, Sir William Deane.

A true leader leads with the support of their people, not by dragging them kicking and screaming for their lives. What we need is a modern day Sir John Kerr, but don't look toward Yarralumla with any great hope as the Queen's representative has relegated military rule to the President of the USA.

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Democracy & the right to participate


I've thought long and hard about this issue and have come to the conclusion that true democracy upholds the right of any group to take part in political activities, including establishing a political party.

There is no difference between an Islamic party, the Christian Democratic Party, Fred Nile's Call to Australia party or any other party built upon a strong foundation of core beliefs, regardless of whether those beliefs centre around a deity or not. As such I could not, in all fairness, object to a party formed by indigenous people, gays, the disabled, particular industries (eg teachers or doctors), or even a group with illegal foundations (eg the Marijuana Party).

The separation of church and state applies to the legislative, executive and judicial arms of government to protect the process of accountability that each must uphold. It cannot be applied to the pursuit of political expression and the freedoms of speech and association.

If a particular group wishes to establish a political party based upon their system of beliefs and the common bond of their association (just like the Australian Democrats and all other parties) then all the more power to them for taking part in one of the most open systems of democracy in the world.

Of course if they become merely a front for undesirable activities or promote policies of hate and intolerance as One Nation before them, then I will fight tooth and nail to see them fail.

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