US Water Supply is Sus!

Every time I read another right-wing Christian rant from the USA I get more concerned about the state of the water supply in that country.

Take a look at this one from Nate at the Pan Galactic Blogger Blaster and be sure to read through the comments too. I left a short rebuttal.

News attack!

What a day it has started to be already!!

After logging on to the net this morning Outlook¹ provided me with 8 new emails (a relatively small number considering what usually comes through the inbox) and what a treasure trove of information unravelled as I read.

Firstly there were a couple of bits from an email discussion group, then came the first of two daily news bulletins I receive from the ABC. Usually I get only one or two of the headlines jumping out at me, but today I'm awestruck, gob-smacked and down right bloody well excited to be alive. And finally a couple of things that just made me smile!

First, I'll give you the headlines, together with their web links and a small comment from me on each.

Medicare Gold is fully funded: Latham

The federal Labor leader has hit the airwaves this morning to sell his plan to provide free hospital care for every Australian over the age of 75.

Clearly the ALP are getting some social conscience, and about time too!

Police bust nationwide child porn ring

One-hundred-and-fifty people, including police officers and teachers, have been arrested in what the Federal Police (AFP) describe as Australia's biggest Internet child pornography bust.

Fanatstic news, but I fear what this will do for the F*FF party's chances in the coming election. Two of their key platforms (child abuse and pornography) rolled into one big headline-grabbing vote-winning issue.

Blair ready to talk with hostage takers

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he was ready to open up contact with captors of a British hostage in Iraq, shown on video begging Mr Blair to save his life.

What the? I thought the uber-civilised western nations never negotiated with terrorists? Must be coming up for another election LOL!

Ranger Mine warned before contamination

It has been revealed the operators of the Ranger Uranium Mine in the Northern Territory were issued with a Government safety warning a month before a water contamination incident earlier this year.

Oh, if only we'd just stop mining the damn stuff!

Sexual abuse trials underway on Pitcairn

Pitcairn Island's sex trials have started this morning with Mayor Steve Christian the first to face the court.

What is it with these small communities? Don't they know they shouldn't have sex with their cousins? Just look at Tasmania! (sorry Tassies - you know I'm only joking, even though it is rude to laugh at people with two heads.)

Israelis, Palestinians killed in clashes

Palestinian militants, eluding an army crackdown, killed two Israeli children in a rocket attack from Gaza and Israeli troops have killed seven Palestinians in raids in the coastal strip and the West Bank.

and they still call this news? They may as well report that the sun rose today in Perth at 0553hr (GMT+8)!

Allies 'planned' Iraq war despite denials

The United States, Australia and Britain started to plan the invasion of Iraq months before the conflict, according to a report Wednesday quoting a leaked Pentagon document.

What the ... ? No kidding! Are you for real?
you mean the politicans lied to us ... AGAIN?

Photos and fingerprints now needed for US visits

Australians, who are allowed to travel to the United States without a visa, will from today have to give fingerprints and have a photo taken when they arrive at US airports and ports.

Well, that does it! I _was_ planning to go to Chicago for the Gay Games in 2006, but unless I can get a visa and avoid having my picture and fingerprints taken I'll have to avoid that terrorist nation altogether and just spend some extra time in Montreal before the 1st OutWorld Games.

I have rights in Australia when it comes to my fingerprints ... I'm not going to give them up for the sake of some pissant fear-mongering US bureacracy.

IMF warns of rate hikes as growth soars

The world economy, powered in part by China, is set to grow this year at its most brisk pace in almost three decades, 5 per cent, before losing steam in 2005 in the face of higher oil prices the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said.

ok ... getting bored now

US crude reserves calm markets

The price of crude oil has held below $US50 a barrel overnight helping lift the mood again on Wall Street.

yeah whatever ... get it up to $75 a barrel and I'll be happier cos we might start looking more closely at alternative energy sources, unless Howard follows through on his mantra that "coal is the future".

SpaceShipOne makes successful flight

A private manned rocketship blasted through the Earth's atmosphere into space after a hair raising corkscrew ascent on a flight aimed at capturing a $14 million prize.

WOO HOO! Congratulations. They already have a better track record than NASA ;-)
I especially enjoyed the revelation that Richard Branson (of Virgin fame) is teaming up to provide commercial space flights within 3 years. Go Dick!

Rogers retains time trial crown

Australian cyclist Michael Rogers has won the time trial title at the road cycling world championships in Bardolino, Italy.

Sport? What is that?

So that was a powerful start to the news day! After which I managed a few chuckles whilst reading these two reports:

Keep abreast of new feminism and raise a cup to Russ

By Emma TomThe Australian - September 29, 2004

SEVENTIES pornographer Russ Meyer used to say he became interested in mammary glands only once they reached D-cup status. After that, his interest knew no bounds.


France Launches Gay TV Channel

The transgender sportscaster wears a miniskirt, the porn is gay, lesbian and
bisexual, and Wonder Woman will be on every night at seven.

What a start to the day!

1. OK, so i'm a hypocrite for dissing Microsoft while still using their products! At least I didn't pay for it! MS gave it to me for free. Honestly! All I had to do was attend a presentation promoting their latest Office suite. Cool eh? If anyone knows of something to replace my MS gear (for free), let me know! back to top

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Star Blog #1 - Lanes of Melbourne

All my Star blogs have moved to here

This post can now be found here.

More on US Democracy

Following on from Jimmy Carter's predictable revelation that the Florida elections will not be fair, here's a great article that focuses on the technology of US voting.

Scientific American: Fixing the Vote [ POLICY ]
Electronic voting machines promise to make elections more accurate than ever before, but only if certain problems--with the machines and the wider electoral process--are rectified

I find the US style of democracy strange for a number of reasons:

  1. voluntary voting

  2. party affiliation registration

  3. gizmos and gadgets

Firstly, how is it possible to have full democracy when the apathy of voters allows an election to occur with less than a majority of voters casting a ballot? Surely the non-vote counts for something?

It would be better to have compulsory voting with a final option of "none of the above"!

This isn't about freedom of choice - Australians are still free to not cast a vote, but they must turn up and get their name crossed off the roll in order to make that choice. But having turned up, few choose to forego their right and responsibility.

Secondly, While I understand the principle of primaries, and therefore the need for party registration in order to vote at primaries, I'm just not convinced that it is a necessary party of the political process. What about all the swinging voters? (sorry, Howard prefers to call them "undecided" so that we don't have any sexual connotations) Where do they vote in the primaries and do they register ... perhaps someone can fill me in on this one.

As for all this technology ... well, Australia has NEVER encountered a problem with our simple pencil and paper method. As boring and luddite it may be, it works reliably and effectively. It is a world class system envied by many.

Not the USA, of course, they'd prefer we envy their "uber-democratic" processes that see people like David Hicks locked up for years without a trial, corruption at every level, rigged elections and ensuring that only the richest white men can become President.

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Righto! All you blithering US Republicans ... Listen up!

This follows on from my earlier post More anti-democracy in USA

Jimmy Carter fears for fair Florida vote

By North America correspondent John Shovelan

Former US President Jimmy
says conditions for a fair election still do not exist in the
state of Florida.

In an article in the Washington Post, Mr Carter wrote Florida's electoral
officials have proven to be highly partisan.

He says Florida's Republican governor Jeb
Bush, a strong supporter of his brother George W Bush, has taken no steps
to correct this and "some basic international requirements for a fair
election are missing".

He says it was obvious that in the election in 2000 that basic standards
were not met and the disturbing fact is that a repetition of the problems
seems likely.

The 2000 vote was ultimately decided by the US Supreme Court, which stopped
the recount of contested ballots.

Mr Carter founded the Carter
in 1982, which monitors elections worldwide.

Source: ABC News

Is that good enough for you guys?

Or does Carter lack credibility because he is a "dummycrat"?

What to do with nuclear waste?

have resurfaced that the Federal
has a secret list of up to 22 sites for a nuclear waste


Honestly, what do people expect the government to do about nuclear waste?
With disposal methods href="
l+sun+rocket&btnG=Goo gle+Search&meta=">(like sending it off to the sun)

currently too expensive it has to be stored somewhere!

The href="
about whether we should be producing nuclear waste in the
first place is an entirely different matter and not applicable to this
issue. The facts are that we DO utilise href="">nuclear energy, medicine and related
research. Australia's Lucas Heights
reactor is a real and necessary part of our lives and href="">Brendon Nelson is spot on
(that's a rare thing) when he says:

Federal Education, Science and Training href="">Minister Brendan
Nelson told Sky News that the states would have to find their own sites to
store waste and that the Federal Government was still looking for a site.

Clearly there needs to be more thought put into HOW and WHERE nuclear waste
should be stored. And not just for Australia, but the entire world.

Contrary to my fellow Greens and href="">Democrats I support the establishment
of a world class href="">facility based in
Australia to handle domestic and international nuclear waste. I firmly
believe that producers of nuclear waste should be required under
international law to ensure the highest standards for safely (as much as is
technically possible when we are taking half-lives of thousands of years)
and securely storing (disposing is not feasible) of the material.

IMHO the best opportunity lies in Australia.

  • we are unique in having a stable democratic government for the last two

  • our nation is geologically stable with few earthquakes and no live
    volcanoes to present a danger to an underground facility

  • Australia has an expansive area of desolate and remote land that is
    relatively easy to secure

  • we have the resources and the ability to receive international support
    for the concept

On top of all this is the financial rewards that will flow from charging
the international community for the safest and most secure solution the
world has yet seen. We are talking billions of dollars a year in revenue!
That would easily give us a world class health and education system and
partially solve our growing welfare crisis.

Food for thought, my fellow homo sapiens!

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USA Take Note!

An Open Letter to Most Americans

You've Lost Your Alibi!

By OMAR BARGHOUTI @ Counterpunch

Dear Americans (I am here addressing only those of you who are rationally choosing to prolong the suffering of the human race for 4 more years):

Just this past week, Iraqis had the equivalent death toll of 9/11. In fact, they have one every week or two, on average, thanks to your sickening and utterly irrational support for the neo-con gang at the helm of power in Washington.

I, and I bet most people around the earth, cannot take it any more!

The article goes on to list the atrocities being committed by the allied forces in their illegal occupation of Iraq. Of course, there are just as many atrocities being committed by irrational Islamic terrorists, several highly-financed and power-hungry militia groups, as well as numerous modestly equipped and poorly trained Iraqi nationalists trying to drive out the invaders.

I agree with Omar's introduction ... I can't take it anymore!

For fuck sake, get your high and mighty "justice and liberty" arses back to your own country and mind your own damn redneck business. You lost the Korean War and the Vietnam War; only marginally succeeded in the original Gulf War; still battling in Afghanistan 3 years after the Taliban fled and now you are making a complete fool of your nation in Iraq. Fortunately at least some good came from the conflict in the former Yugoslavia amongst all the carnage and mass loss of innocent civilian lives, probably only because you had to answer to NATO as a member state, rather than just stroke your own egos.

Any nation with a sense of reality would realise that in Iraq the odds are against you and that remaining there is not only futile, it is compounding one of the most ill thought out wars in human history, with an effect far worse than Vietnam. Comparing the whole war against terror to the "Christian" Crusades is not that far fetched, after all.

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Why fighting terrorism with more terrorism is vile

It appears from the limited information available that Israel has once again lowered itself to use acts of terrorism against those that violently oppose its US-endorsed regime of racial and religious vilification.

As a result of the assassination (killed when he turned the ignition of his booby trapped car) in Syria of Izz el-Deen al-Sheikh Khalil, one of the senior figures of the Islamic militant (and undeniable perpetrator of terrorist acts) Hamas, the group has vowed revenge. And rightly so, if you follow the god-ordained example of the war mongering Bush clan ... an eye for eye is their unshakeable creed.

The fact that three pedestrians were also wounded (with the potential to have been killed) in the blast clearly provides further evidence that Israel (assuming they are behind the murder) values life and freedom no more than the terrorist cells they, and the "Tri-liar Alliance" (USA, UK & Australia) are seeking to eliminate.

A terror attack is no more justified coming from a supposedly "civilised" nation, whether it be the self-proclaimed protector of "truth, justice and liberty"or merely a convenient ally, than it is by a band of suicidal religious zealots. Both are barbaric. Both are hate-inspired. Both are worthy of our strongest condemnation.

While we may all contemplate the bitter sweet taste of revenge in our most subversive moments of anger or grief, there can never be justification for the taking of a single innocent life, even by accident. Using an explosive device in a public space to rid the world of an enemy is too great a risk to the wider population and shows a total disregard for life. The end does not justify the means.

But therein lies the paradox, at least for some people. I'm certainly no extreme pacifist when it comes to taking a life in order to preserve the lives of others. For example, I would not hesitate in using violence to protect my loved ones. It is a natural instinct.

However, being human comes with a caveat that supports resorting to violence only when reason fails. It is sad indictment that our history's most common theme is one of murder and destruction, yet we are rarely, if ever, able to identify a single recorded act of justifiable carnage where innocent lives are taken.

In the famed hypothetical of travelling back in time to meet a young Adolf Hitler, I most certainly would have taken the opportunity to eliminate that evil - no hesitation - and in my mind I believe I could justify the action to myself, the victims of the holocaust and the futuristic world from whence I came. But in achieving the objective I change the course of the future and, rather than being a hero that prevents the massive destruction of the future, I am merely a murderer of a young man with an unknown future and whose family now mourn his loss.

Shame on the state of Israel! It is time to redefine the axis of evil and the member states.

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The Blog War!

Its official ... there is a blog war! And it all started with my uber-polemic post, "Is USA killing civilians and blaming terrorist executioners?", which hit a raw nerve with some US citizens. I may have been a little too out-there with the post, but it was worth the responsive entertainment.

It is worthwhile to look at the included links and also my follow up post, "Yanks on the defensive", before making any judgements.

A great rebuttal against me is here ... 10 points to the author for his logical debate! [addendum 30/9 and also from Pink Kitty]

Meanwhile the crazies are gathering the troops! Examples:

I've had some great exposure in response to this topic, and in all fairness I should reciprocate by promoting the those on the far right who would like to deliver me on a silver platter to their god (not sure if that god lives at the White House or on some cloudy abode with pearly gates). So please visit the self-appointed general of the war against polemic, Joshua Olinger from Hello Infidels blog.

I think the typical attitude prevalent on many of these sites can be summed up by this posting:

You Don't Get a Vote Because We Can Bomb You

I found this editorial arguing that all other countries should be able to vote in the U.S. Presidential election since our decisions have effects on the rest of the world.

To this columnist I say, dingus, the reason America is so powerful and domineering is because you guys all suck so much. You don't get the vote for the same reason ants and bacteria don't get to vote: you are small and insignificant, and we don't want your suckitude rubbing off on us.

Actually, it can be argued that the reason America is so great is because we don't have people like those who populate other countries influencing us.

So stop trying to meddle in business where you're not wanted, limey, and save your energy for cowering in fear at our every action.

Says it all really!

P.S. They have a headquarters?
Now I'm scared :-)

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Canada to honour draft dodgers,2933,132971,00.html

There's only a couple of things that the USA dislike more than having their world authority challenged.

The first is Canada ... and the second is draft dodgers.

The plan to hold a festival and build a monument to the many young men that fled to Canada to avoid being conscripted into the Vietnam war is raising the ire of Uncle Sam!

Can we expect another migration next year if Bush wins the election and has to draft thousands of citizens to go to fight in the war against Terror. I still can't find Terror on my maps! :-)

Yanks on the defensive!

My last post has created quite a polemic, with a some irate yanks leaving their comments for the blogosphere. Have I hit a raw nerve?

Clearly, when one actually reads my post carefully, any logical person would understand that I am NOT claiming that the executions are irrefutably fake, or that the USA is most definitely behind the murder of the hostages.

What I AM stating is that OTHER people are claiming such a thing. All I have done here is pose the question and provide links to those people's claims and circumstantial evidence.

I am not doubting for a second that Nick Berg, Eugene Armstrong etc are indeed dead. Their bodies are undeniable proof. Nobody doubts that JFK is dead ... but there are plenty of unanswered questions as to who and why!

I am also not doubting that they died at the hands of heinous barbarians (regardless of their nationality). But the two questions that need to be independently answered are:

  1. Did they die before becoming a prop in a staged and videoed execution?

  2. Who was behind the atrocity?

There is no doubt, whatsoever, that innocent people are being kidnapped and murdered by insurgents and militia. There is also no doubt that innocent people are being inhumanly treated and murdered by the USA and allied forces. There is clear cut evidence for both. What is not abundantly clear is how much of the full story we are getting from either side.

Add to this a growing speculation (up to 80% of US citizens) that the USA was somehow complicit in the September 11 attack, and you have fair reason to consider the possibilities of black-ops or psy-ops activity. After all, if it turns out that the US allowed thousands of its own citizens to die for its cause, what is another few bodies in Iraq?

Of course, on the other hand it is also fair to speculate that extremists other than the US government may be deliberately staging these executions for a dual purpose. Firstly to raise the ire of the USA and secondly to fuel speculation of US complicity and conspiracy. Mission accomplished on both counts.

If it turns out that this "conspiracy theory" is pure codswallop, then I'll be most relieved. Until such a time as more evidence is forthcoming I'll continue to "Quote the questions; probe the possibilities; analyse the answers".

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Is the USA killing civilians and blaming terrorist executioners?

In my constant cyber-travels and research I've come across some frightening stuff. Lately, the rumour mills are running hot about whether some of the hostage executions in Iraq are genuine. The reason is that there is growing concern about who is actually behind the "executions".

I've seen the grisly video of Eugene Armstrong and, while it looks real to me, I'm no expert in how blood is meant to exit a knife wound to the neck. The comments in the above articles do make you think and the similarities between Abu Grahib prison and the hostage's location may be more than coincidental.

If you are not convinced that any of this could be faked, here's some proof

Just another member state of the USA

Here is just a further example of how Australian Law is succumbing to USA jurisdiction.

The Australian Council for Civil Liberties has called on the Federal Government to confirm a change in policy relating to extraditing suspects who face the death penalty in the United States.

Eventually this could lead to further erosion of human rights.

In the future, if a US citizen were to be murdered in Australia, what is to stop the perpetrator from being extradited to the USA (to a state where the
death penalty exists) to be tried, convicted and sentenced to death?

Pushing the envelope further, if the US makes abortions illegal with prosecution equating to murder, doctors in Australia would be mad to risk conducting the procedures.


Anyone care to help with a push for a change to the Australian Constitution to explicitly exclude subservience to the US? Failing that at least WA could try and push for secession again! And if it comes down to the conservatives and the bible-toting rednecks ruling this land, Australia might just have to endure some civil unrest that would make the Vietnam protests look like a Kirribilli tea party.

Issues - every party has issues

[Re: a message by a parliamentary member of the Australian Labor Party in WA posted to the GALE-WA yahoo group]

A few points of view I think should be aired at this point.

Firstly, it isn't just the ALP's record that attracts criticism, but also the Democrats and the Greens. On a Federal level the ALP is justly scorned for its insistence on waiting for a whole-of-legislation approach when they form government while ignoring the piecemeal opportunities as they rise. Similarly we have seen the Democrats go weak at the negotiation table while the Greens have lacked the initiative to actually instigate reform. State campaigns and reforms are an entirely different species with fantastic work from all three parties.

Secondly, this site has never displayed a bias for one party over another. Even though at times one party may have been more highly represented in its membership of GALE, that may be more indicative of the differences in the way each party partakes in activism and lobbying, than in any political bias; social activism at the grass roots vs. legislative amendments from an upper house minor party vs. a holistic approach from the government.

Thirdly, Any perceived "anti-Labor" sentiment expressed in the community, along with similar discontent with the Greens or Democrats, is merely an outpouring of disappointment and feelings of betrayal. Nobody would ever be disappointed with the conservatives, because we do not have any positive expectations of them. However, when one of our allies lets us down in even the smallest way we naturally feel betrayed. Our community holds the view that the Libs can do no good and our allies can do no wrong. Neither is 100% accurate. If Australia's first out lesbian Liberal is elected in Queensland will we be turning to her for human rights reforms? I doubt we would waste our breath. Policies and action matter, not personalities.

Fourthly, "endless stunts by the Greens and Democrats" should be welcomed by this community because they offer media scrutiny of REAL issues that require REAL solutions. The ALP could just as easily have supported these "stunts" rather than demonising them as useless to the campaign for equality (which they clearly were not!). The cynics among us would believe that the ALP wants to wait until it is in government (even if that takes a further decade) so that it can try to claim the kudos of Federal reforms to itself, rather than having to support a series of minor party amendments that would have started the road to major reform much sooner. If the ALP are not in Government after October 9 it will be interesting to see how they go about delivering equal rights. Will they attempt a holistic omnibus bill from opposition, offer piecemeal legislation or ad hoc amendments as the Democrats do, or will they simply wait another three years to romance us at the next election? Only time will tell if the Federal ALP have as much guts as the WA ALP.

Fifthly, the commitment of some ALP parliamentarians (and those of some other parties) is not questioned. We should all support their work and hope for their continued success. However, the individuals do not make the party 100% friendly. Heterosexism and homophobia is evident in the ALP as much as it is evident in the Democrats and, although I have no experience of it, possibly the Greens. Such division is a fact of politics so none of the parties should be judged by the individuals and personalities. They must only be judged upon their policies and their actions. A lack of action is often as detrimental as an action against our cause.

The sixth point. Anyone who doesn't preference the ALP ahead of the Liberals is clearly not voting for our cause. But it is my opinion, shared by many others, that regardless of which major party is in government after October 9, the Australian Parliament will only be a more democratic institution with the addition of more minor parties and independents. By all means put the ALP ahead of the Libs and other conservatives, but also ensure that our minor party allies are placed ahead of the ALP to give them a fighting chance.

Finally, it could be argued that GALE has never been an effective lobby group. That it was actually been a handful of dedicated individuals over many decades that were the success behind the lobbying and that very little of the state reforms had much to do with GALE (the association, not the members). Certain individuals deserve the kudos, not GALE or any other single organisation. GALE has only ever had minor, sometimes divisive, support from the community and hardly ever had a full complement of committee and volunteers to do the necessary work. This is the same with any community organisation. While the 80/20 rule usually applies, in the GLBTIQ community it is fairer to assume a 95/5 rule applies equally to Pride, GLCS and other groups as much as it does for GALE. Apathy is our enemy, second only to complacency.

In conclusion, any criticism of our allies is not to be seen as throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We have (too) high expectations and are let down more times than exceeded. Such is the nature of politics and the road to equality. Just ask anyone involved in the lobbying for the rights of women, indigenous groups or refugees. The road is long and tough and criticism should be appreciated as an opportunity to learn and change. If you can't take the heat ... well you know the rest!

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Family First and Democrats deal

As someone with questionable journalistic ability (otherwise said person would be able to apply what is commonly known as research) has objected to my condemnation of the Democrats snuggling into bed with the devil incarnate, I merely offer the test of time (a mere three weeks or so) to see whether we will regret such a deal when Family First end up winning seats because of the preference flows from the Democrats!

Anyone willing to bet against me? I certainly hope to be proved wrong.

I'm not fond of the idea of Brian or any political ally of human rights losing their seat, but if the worst is to happen, I'd prefer to have a Green, the ALP or even a bloody Liberal taking their place rather than a heterosexist, bible-wielding social terrorist, a la Family First!

Simply because the Democrats are GLBTIQ friendly does not give them automatic immunity over criticism of deals that will have a major effect on the future of human rights and social justice in Australia.

I clearly remember how one ALP member (and member of this community) took to abusing the Democrats (unfairly directed at me as a member of that party at the time) because of the deal that gave preferences to the Greens ahead of the ALP in the East Metropolitan Region, making it a very tight contest for Louise Pratt.

If anyone thinks that we should support candidates simply because of their sexuality they would be as guilty of discrimination as any heterosexist conservative. Policies matter, not personalities.

The ALP has slapped us in the face over marriage and the Democrats toyed with the fate of same-sex superannuation for political expediency before the protests from our community prevented them succumbing. This time, the backroom deals are done and our protests will now only be heard at the ballot box. The Greens may be our only hope of a party committed to its principles.

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Family First-Australian Democrats deal

The Dems have done a preference deal with the right-wing, so called "Christian" Family First party in South Australia and perhaps elsewhere.

This party is extremely heterosexist and anti-GLBTIQ in every shape and form. They are the political arm of the Assemblies of God church and are set to become a powerful force in Australian politics ... far more than One Nation ever were.

They follow the same evangelical approach as New Zealand's Destiny Church and affiliated Destiny Party, famed for its recent black shirt rallies of hate. They are as bad, if not worse than Fred Nile and the Christian Democratic Party and as hateful as the USA's Fred Phelps!

The Democrats should be despised for this backward step, clearly a last ditch attempt to save themselves from oblivion. In my opinion they no longer deserve the votes of the GLBTIQ community in Australia.

ex-democrat and now very glad of it!
my vote now goes to the Greens - the only party we can trust to uphold its principles

from the Greens:

Senator Brown also expressed concern and alarm that the Democrats have agreed on an exchange of preferences with the far-right Family First Party.

The Family First Party is an extremist, fundamentalist-Christian party that strongly opposes same sex marriage and abortion rights and challenges the separation of church and state.

"This bizarre Democrat preference allocation means that South Australia, in particular, is now a tussle between the Greens and Family First for the Senate," Senator Brown said.

"The Democrats have created a situation where Family First are now in serious consideration for a Senate seat."

From The Democrats

"On the same day the Greens and Labor do a deal to try and remove the only indigenous member of Federal Parliament in NSW, in South Australia they attack us for preferencing an Indigenous woman from a party that has done far more than the SA Green MP on issues like child abuse. The Greens hypocrisy is breathtaking.

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Masquerade Parties

Masquerade parties - the trickery of branding political parties

Published in Online Opinion on 24 September 2004 {long post}

As an Australian voter I am concerned at, what appears to be, an elevation of church-based politics in Australia. A trend is evolving that should have us reflecting on the history of relations between church and state in the United Kingdom as well as the rise of hate-inspired nationalism in many countries.

It is not that I oppose political parties formed on a set of beliefs. In a democracy such as ours we should embrace the freedoms of political affiliation and free speech. With such freedoms it is easy for me to debate with the likes of Fred Nile's Christian Democratic Party (CDP) purely on the basis of their open policies. What you see is what you get with the CDP! All fair play in politics, right?

Not so anymore, I fear. The conservative field is broadening and Australia's fastest growing church is posturing to become a dominant force in politics. I'm not talking about the CDP, whose success is limited by the shackles of the Nile legacy, nor do I speak of the (lessening) Catholic entrenchment in the ALP or the debateable Anglican influence within the Liberals.

The Assemblies of God (AOG), under the guise of the Family First Party, are set to take the place of the depleted One Nation as the new right-wing of Australian politics. The AOG's love of tele-evangelism and the media spotlight, together with a fanatical desire for religious influence on government, combine to create a potential force of unmeasurable strength.

Unfortunately the Family First Party have the considerable advantage of presenting, at least on the surface, a "family orientated" Christian niceness that may attract the hearts and minds of many unwary swinging voters. But their blinkered view of putting family first may spark more debate than a red head in a fish and chip shop.

The reality is that Family First is not dissimilar to New Zealand's Destiny Party, famed for their recent black-shirt marches of intolerance and hate. The Destiny Party is born out of the Destiny Church and the links between Destiny and the Assemblies of God are clear cut.

Family First and the AOG are careful to provide some distance between themselves, unlike their New Zealand counterparts. Candidates continue to inform the media that they are not a church-based party, but the facts speak for themselves. Each of the Family First lead Senate candidates hold high ranking or influential positions in their respective churches, all within the AOG ministry.

While the current media focus is on the fight between the Greens and the Democrats for the balance of power little attention is being paid to the growing possibility of right wing conservative control by fanatical churches.

In Australia's secular society, it is paramount that no religion, not even Christianity, should have the opportunity to eat away at the separation of Church and State. This is a fundamental principle of democracy and the Westminster system of government.

By all means, any group has the right to establish a political presence and I will defend anyone's right to free speech and participation in the political process. What I object to, and what all democratically-minded Australians should be concerned about, is the disguise that many political parties, new and old, are adopting in order to attract our votes.

The days of the Democratic Labor Party (DLP) confusing the electorate may have passed, but we continue to be bombarded by names of parties that speak more about well-devised branding, rather than being descriptive of policy. If this election is to be fought and won on the concepts of truth and trust, the average punter will need degrees in psychology and marketing to adequately assess the myriad of options.

It is commonly accepted that the Liberals have not been 'liberal' for many decades. They should at least acknowledge, like their British counterparts, that they are in fact Conservatives. Of course Labor is not any different, having rid itself of the 'u' in labour when Adam was a boy and continuing to drive the working class out of its caucus.

It can be argued that even the Democrats have ignored their namesake for political expediency and short-term gain. This election will determine if they suffer the near fatal effects of member and voter disenchantment.

One Nation is as divided as the "one nation" it originally tried to divide! As for the Greens, the only critical argument seems to be the watermelon theory - green on the outside, red on the inside. And while there's no doubt that socialism always attracts parallels with communism, the Greens have done so little as a significant minor party, that we are left to wonder if the concepts of Greens and "political party" are a tautology.

On the surface the latest entry to the field, Family First, heralds a welcome return to the traditional family values of nurturing, unconditional love, strong morals and inclusion of extended family. Scratch beneath that pleasant exterior, however, and you will recognise a familiar tone of religious indoctrination, intolerance, disregard for some human rights, and specific exclusionary practices.

There is no room in a Family First Australia for anyone other than god-fearing, bible-toting, Christian-blessed families. Whilst the party does not make any direct policy references to controversial issues like individual human rights, read between the lines and some crucial issues of social justice are blatantly avoided.

For a start Family First are heterosexist. They are incapable of respecting an individual's right to love anyone they choose. Their narrow definition of family excludes the thousands of happy and functioning members of alternative families. In treating homosexuals, bisexuals and transfolk with such contempt they aim to set back human rights advances of the last two decades.

Imagine a set of policies that discriminated against children on the basis of how they were conceived. Natural conception would mean you were part of a family, artificial conception would relegate you to second class non-family status. Sounds ridiculous? Of course it is!

It doesn't matter how one becomes part of a family, be it natural or artificial, fostered or adopted, same sex or opposite sex relationships, married or unmarried. The fact that we exist as a family unit should be the only determination of our rights and our treatment as valuable members of society. It is basic human rights.

I'm sure not to win any friends by issuing a critique of a so-called Christian organisation, and I could go on about the myriad of smaller parties that are failing to meet standards of truth, trust and decency in a modern Australia, but time and space prevail.

By this stage, my good reader, you are probably wondering if the author has nothing but cynicism for the state of politics, and perhaps religion, in this country. Relax, there is a lighter side to all of this and a simple moral in my preaching.

This election, I urge caution. What you see, is not necessarily what you get. In a case of reality imitating art, this election you will find yourself voting for Miriam's affection or confronted by an inadequate gaydar on "Playing it Straight".

However, there's no cash jackpot waiting for you, just two simple guarantees regardless of how you vote and who forms government.

Firstly, at least half of you will be disappointed by the outcome of the election. Secondly, there will be no major change to economic, social or foreign policy. Labor and Liberal are almost indistinguishable on the "what". It is only the "how" that differentiates them.

In deciding your vote, I suggest treating the exercise like buying a used car from some dodgy guy in a tweed jacket and jeans. Kick the tyres, look under the bonnet and turn on the ignition. Take it for a test drive and see how it feels. Make certain that you don't get landed with a P76 that's been done up to look like a Rolls Royce!

Remember, this vehicle doesn't come with free auto club membership when it breaks down! Someday soon you could find yourself at the wrong end of a bigoted political party with the balance of power and your basic human rights severely diminished. If you think it won't happen in Australia, you are probably thinking the same as the Germans 70+ years ago and US citizens only 4 years ago.

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Australian embassy bombing

Toll rises in car bomb blast outside Australian embassy.

09/09/2004. ABC News Online

A powerful explosion outside Australia's embassy in central Jakarta has reportedly killed six people, badly injured many more, and caused extensive damage to the embassy and nearby buildings. So massive was the explosion that there is no evidence apart from a water-filled crater of the vehicle that carried a bomb.

And the threat to national security is heightened once again leading into an election ...

Don't these terrorists realise that such acts around election time only serve to strengthen Australia's war-mongering and irresponsible foreign policies?

I'm trying NOT to think about conspiracies of the highest order.
