Australian Family Association

I went to one of their meetings once (in a business suit, removed my earring and placed my ring on my left hand to look as heterosexual as the next person!). The first thing that confronted me was that one wall had a giant wooden cross with some guy nailed to it ... I think it might have been the last poofter to have dared to try and infiltrate their inner sanctum.

The next thing that shocked me was 5 minutes of prayer asking for guidance and promoting love and peace etc ... then followed by a wave of intolerance and hate. The vilest of these people was Joan Torr.

Many people in WA would remember Joan as the elderly woman that was severely beaten and left for dead after a botched burglary in her home. After that she started a law and order campaign ("Joan Torr's Army") and was a candidate in a state election. She had a lot of support and I admired her courage. That is until the AFA meeting where I discovered her vile tongue and spiteful, ignorant mind!

I've never met anyone before, or since, that I would describe as being evil. I don't believe that people are inherently good or evil, those traits are learned behaviour. But she comes the closest to representing evil that I've ever encountered!

It was a very sad, but enlightening experience.

US Bastardises Democracy in Iraq

Dear Editor (Sydney Morning Herald),

Brokering the outcome of any election ("US tries limited elections in Mosul") simply undermines the foundations of democracy.

The USA might as well just appoint their preferred candidates and be done with it, rather than following through on this charade!

First they invade Iraq under the pretext of a pre-emptive strike because of unsubstantiated fears that illegal WMDs exist. Then they FORCE democracy upon a nation, just like Christianity was enforced during the Crusades.

Not content with having 'won liberty for Iraq', the USA changes the rules of democracy to ensure that one section of the community is able to dominate the interim government to "reduce ethnic tensions". And finally they deny ordinary citizens their basic right to vote by instead appointing an elite group of 200 'representatives' to take part in the ballot.

Can we expect that the US will also decide who the candidates should be?

It smacks of hypocrisy and complete disregard for the principles of democracy. I also can't help but notice the similarity with the structure of Meg Lees' new Australian Progressive Alliance.

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Artificial Conception


"Do you think that children conceived from donor sperm
have a harder time in general as they grow up?"

As a biological father, a parent and a potential sperm donor I have thought about this a fair bit over the last 12 - 15 months. I can only conclude that there needs to be firm decision between the relevant parties, ideally in the form of a legally binding contract so that each party understands the level of responsibility they may or may not have.

What should always be at the foremost in our minds is the best interests of the child.

It is impossible to predict the future or try to envisage how the child might feel about being the product of what might be seen to be a medical manufacturing process rather than an act of natural procreation between a loving heterosexual couple.

But this is where the argument against queer couples using artificial conception or adoption begins to fall apart.

I think we all agree that loving parents (regardless of biological or marital status) are more important to a child's happiness and welfare than any other single factor (including wealth, education, health etc). I cringe every time I hear a parent jokingly comment that their child was "a little mistake" because they forgot to use contraception or the pill didn't work. No child should ever be considered a mistake, even in jest.

So with that in mind, I would say it is irrelevant whether one chooses to use a known or unknown donor or what type of relationship is negotiated between the parties. What is important is that all parties are happy with the decision and abide by it. That decision is going to be different for each individual.

I would also recommend being honest with the child from an early age. Reinforce the fact that they are loved and how special it was that they were conceived in such a way. Remember that it takes a lot more thought, effort and money to use artificial conception than it is to get knocked up in the back of the Holden at the drive-ins ;-)

Be proud that your child is special and they will be proud to have such special mothers. They might also have a special male in their life that they may or may not call Dad that helped give them life, but always remember that to a child it is the parents that matter, not who supplied the genes.

Having the option to identify with the donor at some stage in their life is worthwhile, but they may never take up that opportunity if they are content with what they have in their real family. Even anonymous donors can be identified at a later stage if it is the wish of both parties.

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Conflict and Peace


It reminds me of your introduction message when you promoted the TEAM mantra - Together Everyone Achieves More.

Of course, working together works best when everyone is equal and treats each other with equal respect. But in order to get equality (or freedom or truth or justice) one often needs to fight. And in any battle someone often gets hurt.

There are many words of wisdom in the world ... at least one for each cause (good and evil). Often the difficulty is not in living by the mantra (anyone can blindly follow), but in determining what truth lies beneath the inspiring anthem and pretty coloured flags.

"Truth, justice and the American way" is the mantra proudly voiced from beneath the star spangled banner of the USA flag and its well known anthem. But truth and justice are now seen to be rare privileges in that nation and they mean to bring this "American way" to the rest of the world without regard for the free will of others.

One of my favourite quotations is from Martin Luther King Jr, who said:

"True peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice."

War can be avoided, conflict cannot. If we all were to have the same beliefs, goals and ideals then the world would be a most boring place. With diversity we will always have conflict. What is important is ensuring that truth and justice prevail over lies, corruption and power.

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